Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Had a great 4th of July...

...and hope you did as well. I spent the day hiking at Peaks of Otter which is part of the Blue Ridge Parkway/ National Parks system. It was beautiful weather and I took advantage. In the afternoon I hiked about 8.5 miles and climbed Little Flat Top mountain. I would like to state for the record it is neither little nor flat! Take a old, out of shape Florida boy (me) and a 4,000 foot mountain is quite a hike. It was pretty up top and really peaceful hiking through the woods though. After I finished the afternoon hike I made dinner and then hiked up Sharp Top mountain, which was 6 miles round trip. It is 3900 feet tall so I was feeling it by the time I was on top. The reason I went up though was to watch fireworks. The park rangers stay late on the 4th and climb the mountain so people can go up with kids and what not. The town of Bedford is 8 miles away down in the valley and so after watching lots of private shows all across the valley we got to see the towns show. It was neat to be above the fireworks and away from the crowds and really a great way to enjoy the show. Plus when it was over I got to hike down the mountain in the dark. It was a wonderful day though and I did sleep really well last night! I took some pictures of the fireworks and will put one up but remember I am 8 miles away and on top of a mountain. I'm wandering south today through a lot of rain and storms. I think I will wander around the Carolina's for the next few days but I'm still trying to decide whether to go to the coast or stay in the moutains. Might do both, who knows. Anyway that was my 4th of July and a good one it was. Till next time take care, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally have new computer up and running and took some time to get caught up on your travels. You sure have been moving. I'm or should I say "we" are really jealous of your Orange County Choppers visit. Glad you are well and we were thinking of you in the far north with the lousy weather. We are out of the rain for now but it is supposed to return by tomorrow evening. Stay safe.

Walt & Anita

7/07/2006 3:14 PM  

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