Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Almost back to Canada again...

....Just been wandering around the Adirondack Mountains again today. Spent last night in a gorgeous campsite in Buck Pond State Park. Backed right down to the waters edge and watched the sun set behind the mountain across the lake from me. This picture is actually from the back step of the camper. Very very nice and just 16 dollars. Saw a couple of deer and even almost stepped on a snake, which for those who don't know me is not an animal I like at all. Very proud of myself though. I jumped, did not scream like a girl as I usually do and managed to not throw the bowl of mac and cheese or my beer at it. Went back inside the camper to eat though so snake 1, Jim 0. Woke up at some point over night because I was cold and it was 52 inside the camper. Closed the window, wrapped up nice and snug and went back to sleep. Went to Lake Placid today and wandered around a bit. Got to see the ice rink where the USA beat the Soviets back in 1980 which was neat. Also went to the ski jump area and for five bucks you can go to the top of the big tower or ramp whatever they call it. Wow! Ski jumpers are nuts. It's like looking down the first drop of a roller coaster but at the bottom the track ends and you fly off a cliff. Only the further you go and the better you land the more points you get. In the second picture I am standing just to the right of the bottom of the ramp in the first picture. It really is almost straight down. Would not do it for money folks. It was cool though to be able to walk around the two ramps and see it from a whole new perspective. Went east from Lake Placid through Keene and then north again. I'm stopped for the night just south of the Canadian border-Walmart parking lot this time-then tomorrow I will be getting on state road 2 I guess it is and making my way over into Vermont. I plan on taking it south through some state parks that are on a finger of land so who knows I may not make it to far tomorrow. Wanted to get a post up though since coverage on the air card is spotty up here. Traveling between Lake Placid and Keene the road paralleled a river. It was so beautiful I had to stop and take some pictures. I will put a couple up at the end of the post so hope you all enjoy them. Take care, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW...Those are some great pics Jim!!! I can't imagine what it's like in person!

6/06/2006 9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a great time in Lake Placid and I am glad that the weather was nice for you to do the travel and sight seeing.-Sonya

6/07/2006 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are great pictures! I think I am actually getting homesick. After being away from that scenery for more than 25 years I never thought that would happen but the mountains, even New York mountains, really are beautiful. Love you.

6/08/2006 6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well your blog has become part of my daily routine...check my email, check Jim's blog, and check my myspace page! It is always great to hear about your adventures and how good you. All the pictures are great. I am taking my summer vacation through you will all the information and pictures. It is awesome!

6/08/2006 9:45 PM  

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