Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Boy did I get lost!!!

Had to do it folks. Sorry. I have been basically meandering since I left Gettysburg. Went eastward through York and Lancaster. Had a delicious lunch in Bird in Hand. Went from there through Intercourse Pa.--not a typo thats the name of the place. Funniest part is it's right in the middle of the Amish area. Almost turned around for a picture of that sign. From there I went to Kutztown to buy some birch beer soda. They make great birch beer and I couldn't pass by without getting some. Today I was cruising north up 81 and saw a sign for Elk Mountain ski area. I had to take a trip up there since thats where I learned to ski back in the mid eighties. It was neat to go back because a lot of it was exactly how I remembered it and it really made me take a trip down memory lane. So I sat in the parking lot and ate lunch and laughed a few times remembering some of the fun I used to have there. I am out in the finger lake region of New York now. It is quite pretty out here and I can't imagine what some of these roads must be like in the fall when the leaves change. There are a bunch of wineries out in this region so I visited one and tasted some great wines. It is called Swedish Hill Winery and if you are ever in the area definitely stop by. I'm settled in for the night now just outside of Seneca Falls. Got a good spot at a truck stop, cooked up some chicken thighs with buttered egg noodles that were quite tasty, and for veggies I had a beer. Quite the well rounded meal if you ask me. Anyway I think the wandering theme will continue for a few days then Monday I will try to track down an Army buddy who lives up around Watertown. He and his wife are civilians now but they both are Dept. of Army police officers at Ft. Drum so I hope I can find them. With my luck they will be on vacation or something, but maybe not. To close I want to wish my buddy John a Happy Birthday. Hope you had a good one brother even though you got stuck at work. Take care all, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were pretty much in some old stomping grounds! We used to go to Lancaster county quite often. And you might have been close to Bushkill Falls. We visited there a lot when we had company to entertain! You and Dad and Jennifer had some interesting times at Elk Mtn! Happy and safe wandering. Love you.

6/02/2006 7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice sign but I'm disappointed you missed the "INTERCOURSE, PA" sign!!!!!
Hope all is well.

6/04/2006 1:18 PM  

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