Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Had great visit in Ohio.

The last few days have been great and very relaxing but it is time to be back on the road. I had a great time catching up with friends and seeing how much the kids have grown. The reason I came up here was to be here for a party welcoming my friend Stacys husband home from Iraq. Steve got back two weeks ago after being gone for 15 months. Being able to sit and talk with him and hear first hand accounts of what it is like over there has been very interesting. What becomes "normal" when where you are is not is truly amazing. Stacy along with family and friends put on a wonderful barbeque in a beautiful park. They had a pavilion set on top of a hill with a playground for the kids and shade for the adults and it was great. Sitting there enjoying the day and the reason we were celebrating I could not help but think about what an appropriate weekend it was and what Memorial Day means. So many Americans went away throughout our history and never came home and it's due to them that we enjoy our way of life, but it's not just those who died we should remember. We need to remember everyone currently serving whether in harms way or not. They all are making a sacrifice to serve. Take a minute during all the festivities of the weekend and remember that Memorial Day is not a celebration to a lot of families. It's a day to remember a lost loved one or another to day to worry about a family member currently far from home. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a great day of grilling with family and friends or however we want to enjoy the day but take the time to remember those who can't do the same. I will get off my soapbox now but I wanted to express those thoughts. I am going to be heading east from here with Gettysburg, Pa. as a destination. It is a place I have always wanted to go and I plan on staying three or four days and just really exploring. Plus I need to find a bike shop and get some work done. I hope all of you have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend. If anyone has any suggestions for must see places or whatever you do don't go here advice as I travel please feel free to let me know. Take care all, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Those are some powerful words brought me to tears and I'm sure it will bring others to tears as well.

Gettysburg, enjoy - and as you tour the battlefields see if you can feel the presence of the men who fought there so long ago, when we were there you could feel the presence. Eerie I know, but that's the feeling we got.

Haven't any don't go there places that I can think of, all the places we've been I can't think of one I would not recommend.

Happy Trails - Be Safe

Walt & Anita

5/28/2006 7:21 PM  

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