Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Stone Mountain has been fun...

...But it's time to leave. I've been here since Tuesday afternoon and I'll be heading out tomorrow morning(ish). The campground here has been great. It is next to a lake and has lots of full mature trees and is quite nice. Not really expensive either which is good. Stone Mountain is neat as well. There is a carving of General Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis on the side of the mountain. You can ride a cable car to the top of the mountain and wander around as well as hike up if you want. They do a laser light/firework show everynight on the side of the mountain so I have gone to that the last two nights. There is also an amusement park of sorts here. No rides but lots of shows and a huge kids zone play area. They are also having an acrobatic show by the Wallenda family this summer and I happen to know one of the performers. I used to work with Lijana in Sarasota and so I had to go see the show. Another member of the family and her climb these 50 foot tall poles and swing around and do handstands and stuff. Then they switch poles in midair and they come down by hanging upside down and just dropping down the poles till the last second and somehow put on the brakes and stop. I should mention this is all done with no safety lines or nets or even pads on the ground. It was quite impressive to watch. It's always fun to see someone outside of the context you are used to seeing them in and then for it to be such an amazing show was great. For all the times I drove by Atlanta and saw signs for Stone Mtn. I am glad I finally stopped. I don't know where I'm going tomorrow but I may wind up back home. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and family and spending some time with all of them. I will be doing some work a couple of days as well to make a little money. On the 21st I am leaving on a cruise with some friends so I am definitely looking forward to that. I will get some updates up even though I'm not on the road for a couple of weeks plus pictures from the cruise for sure. I think there's a pretty good chance I will be playing some poker while I'm home as well so take it easy on me guys I'm rusty. Well that's it for now. Take care, Jim PS- Both of these pictures look much better when you click on them. For some reason they look bad small.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you! I am so excited. I hope that as I write this you are on your way! Have a safe trip.

7/13/2006 9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, we have talked about going to Stone Mountain many times while we've been in GA. After reading your description I'm sure we will do that the next time we are in that area. Stay safe.

Walt & Anita

7/13/2006 5:41 PM  

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