Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


More excitement...

... here at the lodge. Wednesday as dinner was just getting started we had a 79 year old Type 1 diabetic go into insulin shock. He gave himself his insulin to early and did not eat a snack or anything so all of a sudden we had a very unresponsive guest on our hands. His family had some glucose gel with them and we were able to get a complete tube of that into him prior to the ambulance arriving but his sugar was still just 34 when they arrived and tested him. They got him on an IV and gave him liquid glucose that way and he came around but he was still confused and didn't know who or where he was so he went to the clinic for a few hours. They got him stable and he was fine after that but it was scary for a bit. A funny part of it was when the paramedics asked who the president was and he replied "I don't know but he's a pain in the ass". That kind of made everyone helping him chuckle a little. It's weird how the years of training and dealing with situations like that kicked right in for me. Even when I called 911 and dispatch asked what the problem was I almost used the radio code from Sarasota for a sick or injured person. Made me laugh after everything was over. Other than that nothing to crazy going on. The bear has not been back but we also have not put the bird feeder back out. We have a wedding here tomorrow and they started arriving yesterday so I have been staying busy. Looking forward to having a little break with no guests at the beginning of August. I will be back in Florida the 8th and leaving on the 11th. Should be fun as I believe a poker game is planned and I'll get the chance to hang out with some friends. Hope to get my laptop back soon so I won't have to use the office computer and neglect work. Haha. Anyway that's it from here. Take care, Jim


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