Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Been a busy week... at the lodge. We had a group come in on Tuesday so we all had to get back in the swing of things after having May off. It was fun though and everything went really smoothly. I think we will be getting some more groups out of it as well which is always good. I also had to deal with some insurance issues this week on top of being busy. If you all remember back to my April 2 accident when a police officer ran in to my truck, that came back to haunt me. The body shop guy called me the beginning of the week and said the claim he filed had been denied because I was at fault. I pretty much stayed calm till I went down and got a copy of the report and realized it would have been more accurate if it started with "once upon a time". The report basically said I ran into the officer, with the back of my truck as I drove past, and admitted it. Just to remind you of where the damage was I'll repost a pic here. Also to clarify I was not traveling down the road in reverse. Yet somehow the report was not me getting hit it was I hit him. Rather than losing my mind and probably getting into trouble I called my insurance company and got them involved. I sent them the report and pictures and they determined I had no liability at all and paid the body shop for me. They then notified the city they were at fault and wanted their money back. I had to give a statement to the cities adjuster which was funny because it came to light that he had not even been given the complete report or any pictures showing the damage to the back of my truck. Don't know what's going to happen from here but hopefully it all comes out ok. Makes me very leary of the local boys in blue though let me tell you. Other than that it was a good week. Snowed twice this week which was neat since I have never seen it snow in June before. What's really funny is I'm going to be in Florida monday and that will be about the exact opposite of snow weather. Fun fun. Anyway that brings you all up to date on me so I'll go now. Have a great weekend and take care, Jim


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