Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Had some excitement... the other night. Thursday the 19th, as we were cleaning up from dinner and the womens group that is here was sitting in the living room having a meeting, a bear climbed a leg to the deck and up onto the rail in an attempt to get the bird feeder. I was facing that way and about the same instant one of our dogs saw it and tore out the open ( that's right we had the deck door propped open enjoying the cool air) deck door barking like crazy I saw it. Of course the entire group went NUTS, screaming and running and fortunately the bear turned around and went back down the pole to her cub. They meandered on down into the woods behind my bosses house and I wanted a picture so I grabbed Jeannines camera and tried to slide in the woods behind them. Just as I got a little bit in mom spotted me and didn't like that I was there. She spun around and made a snort/grunt sound and the cub went up a tree, then she like humped her shoulders up and kind of coughed or something at me and I decided no picture was just fine and backed on out of there. Very, very cool though. That is the closest I've ever been to a wild bear and man are they cool to watch. Maybe next time I'll have a camera handy and can get some shots. Other than that just been working. Four groups down and two to go and the month will be over. Then it gets easy with nice spacing between groups. My laptop is at the doctors right now and hopefully on it's way to a full recovery. I took it down to a Circuit City which is where I bought it and I still had 10 months on the extended warranty I purchased so it's not costing me anything at this point to get it fixed. First time in my life the money I spent on a warranty has come back to me. Can't complain about that. That's all from here and I'm at work now so I should go. Hope everyones sumer has been fun and safe thus far. Take care, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea Jim, chasing a momma bear and her cub into the woods!!!

7/21/2007 3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hoping there NEVER IS A NEXT TIME!!!!!!Check some wildlife videos or some National Geographics for pics.

7/21/2007 8:35 PM  

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