Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Middle of January already...

...can't believe how time is flying. Things are very good here and we are finally getting the chance to catch up and catch our breaths after the holidays. I have been skiing a bunch and also catching up on sleep so I have no complaints at all. We have a few days at the end of the month with no guests and the boss has made reservations for all of us to go snowmobiling on the 30th. We will have four hours out in the mountains and going up the continental divide so we are all very excited about that and hoping that the weather is beautiful that day. Definitely will be taking the camera along that day and hoping to get some cool pictures and also hoping that I don't manage to fly off the machine and break it. Pretty much a coin flip. The weather here has been nice. Not much new snow in about a week but still very nice. As the news media reported we had a big avalanche up on the pass the other day. It was amazing that no one was hurt or killed because it was a Saturday and the road gets very busy with folks coming up from Denver. Two cars got pushed off the road but the people were dug out almost immediately and only one had to go to the hospital. Even more amazing was the day it happened an avalanche rescue group were on the pass training so they were able to get there extremely quickly. All in all it was really quite fortunate how it all turned out. Can't think of anything else really new or exciting to share. Having a lot of fun and totally enjoying my winter. I am going to try and get on here a little more often and post something for you all though. We'll see. That's all for now though so take care, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope snowmobiling isn't anything like when you go jetskiiing or you will fly off. : )

1/15/2007 9:06 AM  

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