Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Yesterday we...

...chopped down a couple of Christmas trees. It was a great afternoon! There is an area in the national forest about 10 minutes from the lodge where anyone can go and for ten dollars a tree, pick and cut there own tree. We loaded up in a couple of trucks and headed up into the mountains, well further up I guess, and spent the afternoon hiking around and picking two trees out. It was not all work though because we had brought along several sleds, to pull the trees on of course, so we did some sledding down the side of the mountain. The fun part was dodging the trees but I am happy to report that despite a couple of "minor" collisions we all came out just fine. The weather was gorgeous and we had cocoa at the trucks when we got back to them, and quite a bit of exercise tromping around in the snow. Some places the powder was quite deep- picture me standing with snow up to my waist- but it was a very fun day. We took two trees. One regular sized for the bar and one at least 20 feet tall for the living room. They are up, what I did today, and we are going to decorate them probably on Tuesday. We brought the big one home in my truck and as you can see it is big! If you look closely you'll see the back window is open and about a foot of tree is inside the cab. It was a lot more fun than going to the corner tree stand and buying one there though. Definitely a good time. Work is going well and it is great having the other two guys here to work with. We still need several housekeeper/waitstaff girls so anybody out there who would like to come have a great winter in the mountains go to and request an application. It is a good deal. Well that's all for now so I'll go. Have a great weekend and take care, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture, snow, Christmas tree and Florida tag on the truck! When you were 3 you and Dad went to the woods in search of a tree...after a day of futility ended up with the top 6 feet from a 30 foot tree! It was beautiful. Love you.

12/11/2006 6:34 PM  

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