Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Had a great birthday...

...and thanks for all the calls, text messages and emails. I worked yesterday until 4 in the afternoon then was off the rest of the night and then today I am off. Last night a group of us went up to a spot behind the lodge where we have made a fire pit and had a bonfire. The night was so clear and the stars were very bright and it was beautiful. We spent about three hours outside then ran out of wood and even though we all had plenty of "anti-freeze" in us, since it was ten below we headed back inside pretty quickly. It was a lot of fun though and definitely a great way to spend my birthday. The staff got me a card that really made me laugh. It was a card that started out, "To Dad from all of us" and they all signed it so it was very funny. Good group of kids I work with. In the picture is Sean, Clint, Ben, Carl, Me, Lois and Sara. Lisa took the picture and not pictured is Jesse, Jenna, Joy or Jubilee. Today I'm going skiing for a few hours then tonight I am going to a photography workshop. It is hosted by two nature photographers from the area and is free so can't beat that. Hopefully I'll learn something. Again thank you for all the birthday wishes and know that I did have a wonderful day. Last night as we sat around the fire I had to make a toast so I will leave you with what I said- 35 years, Still here, still kicking. 35 years, Not just alive, I'm living. Take care, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it has been said that you are not old until your dreams turn to regrets...

1/22/2007 9:45 AM  

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