Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Another great weekend... a Michigan State Park. Spent this weekend in Van Riper State Park, which is west of Marquette right off 41. Thought I was going to do some hiking and such but it turned into a lazy weekend which is fine to. Read, sat by the fire, took a couple of walks but basically relaxed. Just got back from watching the sunset over the lake and the fire is going and I thought I would sit by it and get an update out. Plan on hitting the road tomorrow continuing west/northwest all the way up to the tip of the peninsula. Talked to some people here this weekend that say it is quite nice up there so we'll see. From there I think I will come back south to the Porcupine Mountains, I think that's what the guy called them anyway, and do some hiking. Then west to Wisconsin. Tuesday will be three months that I have been on the road, which doesn't seem possible because I have been a lot of places in those months. Definitely put some miles on the house! I have to say though it has been an amazing experience so far and I am loving it. Just look at that smile. If this crazy ride were to end Tuesday I know I am better for having done it and I am thankful that I could do it. Lucky me though because I don't have to stop and who knows what waits down the road. Thank you all who have come along with me thus far and I hope you are enjoying the trip as well. If anybody has gas money let me know. LOL! Take care for now, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I see the cigar but not another cool "smoke-sunset" photo

8/21/2006 5:40 PM  

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