Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Mackinac Island...

...was gorgeous! Hard to believe it becomes a frozen, snowy place here shortly. Rode a ferry over about noon and spent the day riding around on my bike. There are no cars so everyone is either walking, riding bikes or using horse and carriage to get around. There is a main area where there are alot of stores and restuarants, hotels, B&B's but a large part of the island has nothing on it. The perimeter road is eight miles around and there are roads that crisscross the center of the island as well as a bunch of dirt trails. It was an absolutely gorgeous day weather wise and other than the beaches being stone instead of sand there were times it looked like the Caribbean with the way the water was colored and such. Very very beautiful. I had dinner at an Irish pub on the island, which was quite good, and caught the 7:30 pm ferry back to the mainland. Decided to run up I75 to Sault Ste. Marie because some people at Interlochen had told me to go see the Soo Locks. Got there about 9:15pm or so and found out the next ship was coming through around 11pm. I wandered and killed time then got to see a totally amazing thing. This huge freighter pulled into the lock with the ease of you or I parking our car. They shut the gate behind it and in about six minutes dropped the water level 21 feet! Opened the gate on the other end and away they went. It was very cool to see, especially since the area you watch from is 10 to 15 yards from the side of the ship. Unfortunately because it was dark and the sodium vapor lights etc etc I did not get any good pictures of the procedure. Have to trust me on how neat it was. Going to head west today but not sure how far. There is a shipwreck museum I may go to and I need to find a laundromat today and catch up on some laundry. I am really enjoying Michigan so far. I never had any idea it was so beautiful up here and I know the winters are no fun but for anybody tired of the heat and humidity of August in Florida this is the place to come. Tell em I sent you. Anyway I need to get going. Take care, Jim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got your blog address from Gretchen. I am elated you are having such a wonderful experience. Awesome pictures!

8/18/2006 7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like a great place to live except for that frozen, snowy part! Great pics, really enjoying them and the info. Love you, Mom and Dad

8/19/2006 10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's nice to have someone going out ahead of us to places on our list to visit. Mackinac Island interested us - especially the biking part!

The lock thing is great, we went to the Eisenhower Locks in Messena NY and it is amazing to watch.

Stay safe.

Walt & Anit

8/20/2006 6:04 PM  

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