Somewhere on the road less traveled

I am a 34 year old who recently retired, sold my home and possessions and bought an RV so I can travel America. Please come along on my adventure by following me here. Enjoy.

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Location: United States

"I live in a very small house, but my window looks out on a very large world."-Thoreau


Still working...

...but Sunday will be my last day whether the harvest is done or not. Tuesday and Wednesday we did not work due to weather. Thursday was a full day and then today was an 11 hour day. It is supposed to get pretty cold tonight but hopefully it does not or the beets don't freeze and we can get a full day in tomorrow. The pace has slowed way down and we are only running one crew during the day so it has been nice. Had some more snow showers this morning for a few hours but the sun actually peeked out for a bit, late this afternoon. I have really enjoyed this experience up here. It has been cold at times and wet at times, my truck broke down and the motel I stayed in caught on fire but I have had fun. Lived for free for almost a month and made a little money as well, what's not to like. Plus now if I'm ever on Jeopardy and they have a sugar beet category I might really kick butt! ...On a totally unrelated subject I want to thank a couple of my friends. My buddy Matt and his wife Gretchen sent me a package of goodies and a bottle of Happy Camper wine, which has a very cool label on it. My poker buddy Steve threw in a bag of really nice cigars which is awesome. Thank you guys so much for something unexpected and very nice. Made me feel pretty special that you took the time to do that. Thank you! Well it is time for me to sleep in case I do have to get up early tomorrow and work. I will hopefully get some pictures up Monday or Tuesday and fill you all in on my itinerary from here. A hint you say-well ok here it is. (Cue suspenseful music)- Go west young man, go west!! Well till then take care, Jim


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